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S1F2 Android Terminal Configuration

This topic outlines information about the Android S1F2 Oolio Pay Terminal.


Box Contents




Powering on the device

Press and hold the power button on the left side of the device.



Accessing Admin Menu

1. Click Settings on the bottom left corner.



Overview of Settings (IP Address, Software Version, Merchant ID)

1. Access Admin Menu.

2. Select Device Info.



Connect to WiFi

1. Access Admin Menu.

2. Select Network.

3. Enter passcode (2015). If 2015 doesn't work and the venue doesn't know their passcode, please contact Idealpos.

4. Click WiFi.

5. Toggle WiFi on (if not already on).

6. Select the required network once loaded.

7. Enter the Password and click Connect.



Set Static IP Address

1. Access Admin Menu.

2. Select Network.

3. Enter Passcode (2015). If 2015 doesn't work and the venue doesn't know their passcode, please contact Idealpos.

4. Click WiFi.

5. Click the Setting icon next to the connected network.

6. Click the edit icon on the top right corner.

7. Click Advanced Options and scroll down.

8. Click on the DHCP dropdown menu.

9. Select Static.

10. Scroll down to the IP address.

11. Manually enter the IP address and click Save.



The Gateway, Network Prefix and DNS will automatically populate after entering the IP address.






View Transactions

1. From the Home Screen, click on Transactions.

2. Click History.

3. Enter Passcode (2015). If 2015 doesn't work and the venue doesn't know their passcode, please contact Idealpos.

4. You can view all transactions and the response (Approved, Declined, Cancelled, etc.).

5. You can then click on a transaction to get more detailed info.



Advanced Functions
Restart Pinpad

1. Press and hold power button on the left side of the device.

2. Select Restart.


Config Update

1. Access Admin Menu.

2. Select Config.

3. Enter Passcode (2015). If 2015 doesn't work and the venue doesn't know their passcode, please contact Idealpos.

4. Device will then check for any updates.

5. If update is available, click on the Update button.


Software Update

1. Access Admin menu.

2. Select Device Info.

3. Click on the Software Version.

4. Enter Passcode (2015). If 2015 doesn't work and the venue doesn't know their passcode, please contact Idealpos.

5. Device will then check for any updates.

6. If update is available, click the Update button.